Let the real you shine through
Energetic Alignment is intended to help you feel more connected to yourself and what feels right for you. Old patterns of behaviour drop away and connections with other people feel more honest as you start to operate from ‘the real you’. From the first session, clients report feeling calmer, more grounded and more able to cope with everyday challenges and decisions.

WARNING: You may leave your session feeling very relaxed...

What is Energetic Alignment?
Energetic Alignment is a single treatment, given over 12 sessions, that is designed to give your energy system a comprehensive, powerful upgrade by removing the blocks and restrictions that are preventing you from living the life you want. It is designed to help you to start operating in a powerful way from your unique purpose. Be aware that this process can create real change in your life.

What does a session involve?
The sessions are relaxing and nurturing.
They will involve you lying on a massage table, with hands on healing and some very light energetic style massage.
Feedback from clients is that they aren’t used to relaxing so fully. In fact, many people even fall asleep in the session and report ‘floating’ out afterwards!

Why 12 sessions?
While you are welcome to come along for a standalone Energy Healing session, Energetic Alignment as a therapy is actually one complete treatment divided up into 12 specific sessions.
It is a sequential process where each session builds on the previous one by moving into a deeper layer of the energy field. The journey is very individual and everyone experiences it differently, however ultimately everyone reports that they are in a better place ‘for them’.
What are the benefits of Energetic Alignment?
- Escape from feeling stagnant or ‘stuck’
- More easily make decisions or cope with challenges
- Connect with your ‘true purpose’
- Make honest connections with yourself and others
- Break free from old behaviour patterns
- Clear past trauma
- Alleviate stress and feelings of overwhelm
- Process feelings of loss
- Align with your true self
- Feel calmer and more balanced
- Emotional release
- Deeeeeeep relaxation!
"I am so relaxed for days after each session and I have a much clearer mindset.
I can honestly say that I have never had anything reach beyond my wall as what this Energetic Alignment has. Absolutely healing and a wonderful wonderful experience. I truly look forward to each session just to reach this place again. I am so relaxed for days after each session and I have a much clearer mindset. Totally beyond any expectation. This experience is extremely sacred. Thank you Anita x"
"I found my sessions of EA to be very fulfilling and rewarding. It helped ground me and get my life centred again after a traumatic experience.
Many thanks for your expertise Anita."
After session 1: "I feel so much more normal and back to being my real self after my session with you."
After session 6: "I’m feeling more balanced and grounded, which is a beautiful way to be."
Your Therapist
About Anita
I have always loved learning and so when my role as a health coach introduced me to the concept of personal growth I embraced it wholeheartedly. However, once I became mum to two beautiful, crazy, noisy and energetic boys, looking after myself took a back seat for a while.
A surprisingly powerful energy healing session with one of my best friends mid-2014 reminded me of the importance of looking inwards and so began my Energetic Alignment journey... For me personally it was a transforming, sometimes challenging, 12 week journey where the next session could never come soon enough! I savoured the calm that came after my session each week and the changes that it brought about in me and my life.
That journey, and even more the months that followed, brought about huge growth in me as a person, a partner and especially as a mother. I was immediately curious to learn about Energetic Alignment for myself, although it took me a while before I felt 'ready' to help others. Now I cherish the opportunity to help people, especially mums, to feel a renewed sense of calm and balance.
I feel blessed to be be able to accompany so many beautiful souls on their own Energetic Alignment journey. It is extremely rewarding to witness the changes in someone over the sessions as they break free of their default patterns and reactions to find calm, clarity and alignment with their values and purpose.
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